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6 Best - Warren Buffett quotes on Investing, Life and Success!

July 09, 2018
Warren Edward Buffett, the third wealthiest person in the world and the richest man in America with a net worth of US$84 billion. He is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist who serves as the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is considered one of the most successful investors in the world.

Warren Buffett quotes on investing, life and success
Warren Edward Buffett
Behind every successful man, there are some of his thoughts and values which he uses to follow in his life. Warren is also one of them. He lives by his certain set of values that he uses to invest and make his life decisions.

Warren Buffett quotes on investing, life and success

Everybody wants to fulfill their dreams but the road to your dreams isn't always easy. You have to face a lot of problems and obstacles that will make you feel like quitting. So my today's article is based upon that only. Here are some Warren Buffett quotes on life which will surely motivate you and gonna help you in your life. Just have a look on them.

1. "The most important investment you can make is in yourself."

This Warren Buffett quote on investment says that spend your more time on your personal development. This will help you to become a successful person. Normally we people just waste our time and money on the things which are not required and then we regret later.

 The most important investment you can make is in yourself
Invest in yourself
So invest in yourself, it will help you to become a good person. And whenever you feel like you want motivation to save or invest your money properly then you can also go for the Warren Buffett quotes on money.

2. " Not doing what we love in the name of greed is the very poor management of our lives."

Not doing what we love in the name of greed is very poor management of our lives
Feel free and do what you love
This simply means that do what you love to do, don't just run behind the money. It will give you nothing but will create a greed in you which will make you forget the passion and real happiness of your life. If you are not doing the thing you love then you are just wasting your life. So just do what you love.

3. "It's better to hangout with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction."

Choose your company wisely
Hangout with better people

Wisely choose the people in your life with whom you hangout. Choose those who are better than you because there will be a lot which you can learn from them. You will gain more knowledge about different things which will take you in the direction of your dreams.

4. "Honesty is very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people."

Be careful who you trust. Both salt and sugar looks alike. So you have to choose wisely which one is better for you. We can't expect expensive gifts from cheap people. And honesty is very expensive. Don't expect it from everyone.

5. "Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing."

Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing
Gain proper knowledge before doing anything

It's very important to know about what exactly you are doing. Before doing or starting anything you should have proper knowledge about that particular thing. Because lack of knowledge can destroy everything and can put you in a risky situation.

6. "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."

As the quote says itself that it took a long time to build a reputation and hardly five minutes to ruin it.
So always think before doing anything because your only one step can ruin or can make your life. If you'll think about it your actions will automatically change towards the situations.

From Editor's Desk:

So these were some of the Warren Buffett quotes on success which he simply follows in his life. Remember those barriers and obstacle are nothing in front of you if you're working hard for your dreams. There are some Warren Buffett quotes on leadership also which you can search and can get motivated. And if you want to share your views also, than you can write in the comment section.

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