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10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

November 08, 2017
10 Signs - 'He Loves You': Dating a guy can be very easy, but reading or understanding his mind is very tricky business. Guys love to be unpredictable. He may say that he loves you deeply - but may not be the most proficient when it comes to expressing. Most guys are quite comfortable with expressing their affections for the one who they love. But, several guys have a hard time in expressing their feeling in the way the girl like (romantically). Due to all these things, girls get confused as they want to be secure and sure about a few things.

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Even if - things between you and your partner is going really well. Still back in your mind, there will some, question that is eating away at you when you should be busy enjoying yourself. Here, we are discussing few signs that will help you to know that he loves you a lot without even saying it loud.

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

These little hints will help you in understanding the Body Language - which will lead to a conclusion about the Love Factor of you and your partner. So, without wasting much time in silly talks... Let's have a look at the points - those I've noted down. Show your own experience and thinking via the comments.

1. Respects You

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Everyone want to get respected from partners, so we girls are too. You can simply see this in your partner - when any important decision is taken, he wants your opinion about it or not. If he’s treating you like somebody his equal, values you and respect your views. It means he really respect you and respect is the surest way to know if he is a keeper or not.

2. Truthfulness

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Being honest with each other is the best key to the happy relationship. If someone really loves you and cares about you - then he will always make sure that he is honest with you. He will never even try to lie to you. Because, he knows that lying makes the distance between both of you, and it can break trust also.

3. Protective Instinct

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Who doesn’t want to be protected? Everyone on this planets wants protection from every problem, every hurdle. So, that in a relationship also, if he really loves you, he will protect you from anything. He can’t really fathom the idea of harm coming our way. Sometimes they’re protective to the point of being irritating but that just their love for us.

4. Holds your hand

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Holding hand, walking on the street with partner, feels so romantic. But, this holding hand is also a way to saying you that he loves you. If he is confident about the relationship, he wouldn’t be shy to hold your hands in public. He will always try to flaunt you in public by holding your hand. Holding hand sounds just normal, but it is a reassuring factor that always guarantees sincerity.

5. Healthy amount of jealousy

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Jealousy is wrong in a relationship, but it always comes between love. But, the healthy amount of jealousy shows the feeling of fear. Fear of losing you. They will always set you free and never stop you doing anything. But, they have a healthy amount of jealousy that they exhibit. And, that will not always be shown to you.
But, whenever you’re getting attention from someone else, you will see your partner is bothering about it. And, he will feel insecure sometime. And, this will show you their love and concern for you.

6. Invests in you

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Investing in you doesn’t mean, investing money for you. In a relationship, investment is only counted for time. How much time you are spending for him and how much he. If he loves you, he will always take time out for you. And, share their life and great with you. Guy’s invest in you not only monetarily but in your personality as well. Taking time out from so fast-paced life only for you will really show their intentions of sincerity.

7. Avoids Using Phone Around You

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Phones are very good invention of science - as it keeps distant people close to you. But, this phone always making close and near ones apart from you. Yes - this is true, nowadays two people sitting together but they will stay on phone.
In relationship also, if you are getting your phone between you and your partner - then it’s a very wrong sign. If he really loves you - he will always make sure that whenever you are around them he will not use his phone. They don’t want their attention to be divided when they are with you.

8. Divide works equally

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

In a relationship - you always feel that your partner should always be with you. You want to do every work with him. Its true also that doing alone is quite boring, but at the same work if your partner is with you as your helping hand - you will feel boosted. And, you will do work perfectly.
If he is your right person than he will never think or expects you to do certain kind of work. They will always try to share your work and divide the responsibilities. So, that you feel the same position in their life too. He shows his respect and your value by sharing work. And it feels so romantic also.

9. Never Makes The Fight Dirty

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

It is true that whom we love most, we hurt them most. It doesn’t mean that you always feel hurt - and its fine in a relationship. Every relationship faces ups and downs in life. Sometimes, it may lead to fighting also. But if he truly loves you he will never make the fight dirty, he will always try to solve the problems. He will fight for silly things, just to make you laugh, he will never even try to fight with you.

10. Matches interests

10 Signs - 'He Loves You' | Even If - He Doesn’t Say It Loud

Every person is different in their hobbies and interest. It is hard to find persons with same interest. We all know that different poles attract each other. In love and relationship - we always experience that. But if he really loves you, and he is the right person for you, than, apart from differences he will try to matches the interests so that he could get more and more time to be with you.

From Editor's Desk

In the End, I just want to ask you for any opinion or suggestion regarding the article. If you loved it - or want to improve me on any point - Please feel free to leave a comment below. I'll be very happy to know your thoughts. And, I wouldn't mind an appreciation. BTW, Thanks for your time. Have a great time with your partner. 😊

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