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Taxi Driver Explains - Reason & Solution for Women Rape in Big Cities

July 09, 2017
Women are the great creation of the creator. But, Instead of understanding and respecting them. Few men see them only as a sex toy. Whether in a village or in a big metropolitan city - doesn't matter. They are harassed and raped every day. And, the foolish reasons given for their actions are like - small cloths, body language and all this bullshit. which has nothing to do that can explain anything wrong with women. But, it explains about the wrong mentality and thinking. 

Taxi Driver Explains - Reason & Solution for Women Rape in Big Cities
Taxi Driver Explains - Reason & Solution for Women Rape in Big Cities 
And, According to me - this kind of behaviour is due to lack of maturity. And, I may like to tell you about the maturity as the following quote:
Maturity Comes - when You Stop making Excuses. And, Start making Changes!
And maturity is not all about age. Because, I've read many aged men - who still support these excuses. So, The change starts within you. You are the one who can change the world by changing yourself. We do such things, when do not respect them. So, We should teach children to respect everyone. (Boys & girls both)

Taxi Driver Explains - Reason & Solution for Women Rape in Big Cities

Reason & Solution for Women Rape - By Sahil Tomar, A Taxi Driver

And, Here Sahil Tomar - who is an Taxi Driver, Explains his experience of  Getting along with the modernised world. They came from a small village and the adapted to the city culture. And, as the man has experienced the mentality of both village & city people. I think, he can simply explain what's the reason for such things. Let's Have a look at their words:
My dear brothers and sisters,
I am just a cab driver who neither has the education nor the life experience to preach or give lessons to anyone. But I do have a message, which I wish to send across through this letter. 
I came to Delhi almost a decade ago with dreams of improving my life. I was then a 22-year-old boy who had never stepped out of his village in Uttar Pradesh’s Faizabad district. My father, who was a farmer and a seasonal laborer, always stressed the importance of education and toiled hard to give the best possible opportunities to my three siblings and me. 
But, I was never good at studies. I failed my exams several times and repeated a few classes before I somehow managed to pass my class 10 board exams. After that, I tried my hand at several things — farming, mason work, sitting idle and ogling at women in the village.
Taxi Driver Explains - Reason & Solution for Women Rape in Big Cities
A Message From Brother!
I was 20-years-old when I learned to drive and my father finally sent me to Delhi to find a job. Delhi, however, was not the city of my dreams. People would just walk past me and not notice me at all. From early morning to late night, women and men roamed around without any inhibitions.
When I started driving in Delhi, I used to feel offended by how outspoken women in the city were. They would shout at me for missing a turn, and argue for change and call me tum and tu. I used to consider them ill-mannered and resent how their behavior was in total contrast to how things were back in my village. There, a boy and a girl still cannot walk together and women do not dare remove their ghunghat, let alone boss men around.
I was scandalised and was hit by a huge culture shock in Delhi. Getting into fights with a man is different, but getting belittled by a woman seemed insulting. Sometimes during late-night pickups, female passengers wearing short clothes would get in my car and sit comfortably on the front seat. It used to make me uncomfortable.
Taxi Driver Explains - Reason & Solution for Women Rape in Big Cities
She's your responsibility, Not Opportunity!
But that was the old me. As I grew in the city and gained some maturity, I gradually became broad minded. You get used to it also. Most importantly, I realised it’s not the women who need to change. It’s me who had to. I had to let go of my shallow thinking.
I found a trick to adjust to this modern environment that I would like to share with my brothers. Think of it this way – would you feel awkward if a man sat comfortably on the front seat and talked to you? Would you raise an eyebrow seeing a man smoke or him being in minimal clothes? No. So, why make such a big issue if a woman does the same things? A woman is as normal as a man.
The situation has gotten worse for us ever since a cab driver raped a female passenger sometime at the end of 2014. I do not disagree that some drivers who have just come from villages and have not seen modernity would get excited and do gandi harkat (bad things) with women. But I plead, not every driver is the same as that culprit. I am not that type, for sure.
I want to tell my fellow cab drivers that our job is not only about dropping people to their destination and earning money. Each time we get a new booking from a customer, that person – be it a man or woman – signs an unwritten pact of safety and security with us. And we must be fully conscious of this and behave accordingly to set the right example. We have to win the faith of our passengers, especially the women who are so scared of us these days that they click pictures of our car and ourselves to share with their families for safety purposes.
As drivers, we must behave like ‘guardians’ of the roads – dropping a woman to her house or wherever she is headed to. Every journey that we safely complete is a badge of Honor that we take back home to our families with a smile.
Jai Hind!
And, I personally agree with Sahil. As the world is changing rapidly - we must change with it. Because, "Ubuntu" - means 'I am, because we are!' And, If we'll respect each other and know value of each other. The Human race will definitely move towards betterment. Thanks for reading so far! Please, leave your comments about your perception of the article. See you soon!

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